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How Sweet The Sound: Pink Saturday and A Miracle Makeover - August 13, 2011
Let's hope, and let's make it happen, with our combined actions and skills! |
"Welcome to Pink Saturday. Please link and join in the fun. Please join us by linking your Pink Saturday post permalink using the linking tool provided at the bottom of this post.
Linking begins at 3 p.m. EST every Friday and continues through midnight Sunday night.
So, be sure to link and show us your Pink and share your blessings. Be certain to link using your pink post permalink. And please remember to include a link back to my blog within your post so that your visitors will be able to visit here.
the big news is that your blessing post will earn another $5 donation toward the next Miracle Makeover. You just need to e-mail so they can count your post toward the total.
I want to thank those of you that take the time to leave me a comment.
Each comment you leave here and at each of the other Miracle Makeover host blogs earns a $1 donation for the next Miracle Makeover.
The goal this weekend is 5,000 comments.
Please, Please, Please leave your comments here on this post.
One Comment From You Left Here & at the 4 Blogs linked below =
$ 5 Donation on your behalf from Design Gives
comments on Monday Only
Following is more information you need
to put your comments and posts
to work for another Miracle Makeover.
Here is a special message
from Kelee:
Here are some details for you:
There will be many places for folks to help earn donations by JOINING - Commenting - Like ' ing - Or Posting. Here is how it works in 4 WAYS:
1) Comments: Comments at any of the host blogs earn $1 each.
2) Joining Google Friend Connect: We have createding our volunteer blogger roster of the future thru Google Friend Connect.
We will Donate $1 for each person that joins Design Gives Back Google Friend Connect. PLEASE come by now to connect! :):)
3) Facebook: "Liking" Design Gives Back/or Guideposts Facebook earns .50 each donation from us and comments earn $1.
4) Anyone that does a post with something positive, uplifting, spiritual or miraculous and a link to the video or embedded video and link to us will earn a $5 donation from us to the charities!!!
They must email us the link to their post.--- So it gets counted. E-mail:
Bless your 1,000 Times.....
HUGS with Gratitude and Anticipation!
I'm so excited.
Let's pull together to be a positive force in this world.
Over the last three years we have had over 1,100 different
Pink Saturday participants.
Isn't that amazing?
And, just think how amazing it would be if each one of you
left a comment to raise funds for these wonderful
soul-inspiring projects.
Come on. We can do it.
Here's our inspiration - Charlie!
Charlie, each and every one of us
are holding you close in our hearts and prayers.
You make us proud to call you our friend.
Here is the heart-warming reveal video.
Click the four arrow icon in the bottom right-hand corner to watch it full screen.
You'll be blessed by taking the time to watch the entire video."
Happy Pink Saturday! (still open on Sunday!)
Please visit "Pretty in pink"/ "Show us your pink" [objects, that is :)] meme here: