Showing posts with label stamps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stamps. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to Tell if Your Neighbor is a Bombmaker | STRATFOR. Also, some truffle-searchers and bombmakers are missing THIS. D'oh! Maximum cards from USA.

 Please read: How to Tell if Your Neighbor is a Bombmaker | STRATFOR

In Italy, there were some men with missing fingers.
Were they amateurish bombmakers?
No, they were truffle-searchers, and they have used domestic pigs for that purpose, of sniffing out the underground truffles..
Look at his ears!!!
Ears, fingers...omnivorous diet!

Let's say that the pig's ear to the left of the image way up is a black heart shape, chipped as it is, upside, at an angle.
Yes, it's a stretch, but so is any political decision, pretty much.

"Never wrestle with a pig" is a book title.
Well, wrestling truffles away from a pig's mouth is a risky endeavor, coz they can
Eventually, the truffle-searchers smartened up and switched to using dogs. Dogs don't fancy truffles.


Please visit and join The Guest Heart Thursday meme!

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A place to share YOUR hearts!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Google Tool Tells You How to Make Your Site Faster - read from Also, talking about speed - WOA FASTEST LAND ANIMAL [in the western hemisphere] PRONGHORN NON-AUTOGRAPHED MAXIMUM CARD (I CREATED ONLY A HANDFUL)

Please read: New Google Tool Tells You How to Make Your Site Faster

Talking about speed [just look, you don't have to compulsively buy anything]:


WOA doesn't necessarily mean the interjection Whoa!. :)
Here, it means Wonders of America, a cool series of 40 USPS stamps from 2006.

WHY is the pronghorn so fast?
Because it was chased, over time, 
by the prehistoric American cheetah. 
More details in a future blogpost.
Our enemies shape us, in time.


Wordless is good, but if you simply look at the above image, you may miss some of the important aspects about it.
Some images are best left wordless, but some could use some meaningful words. :)


Please visit and join ABC Wednesday meme!
Today, L is for Long-distance runner.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Societatea Românã de Maximafilie Dr. Valeriu Neaga". Please visit this interesting site for maximaphily from Romania!

Please visit: Societatea Românã de Maximafilie Dr. Valeriu Neaga

Here is a sample blogpost:


  Impunător şi maiestuos, uneori blând şi ascultător, alteori dur şi nărăvaş, calul a devenit de foarte multă vreme un statornic şi bun prieten al omului.
          Cu aproximativ zece mii de ani în urmă, omul a descoperit utilitatea calului. Nu se ştie când omul l-a domesticit şi nici care societate umană a folosit calul pentru călărie. Dar începând cu momentul când calul a devenit prietenul omului, omenirea a progresat cu o rapiditate dovedită şi recunoscută de istorie.
          Venind în sprijinul colecţionarilor de timbre şi al iubitorilor de cai, Romfilatelia introduce în circulaţie emisiunea de mărci poştale „Rase de cai“.
         Pe timbrul cu valoarea nominală de 0,60 lei este ilustrat Huţul.       
         Pe timbrul cu valoarea nominală de 1,00 lei este ilustrat calul Pur Sânge Arab.
         Pe timbrul cu valoarea nominală de 2,00 lei este ilustrat calul Lipiţan. 
         Pe timbrul cu valoarea nominală de 2,10 lei este ilustrat Furioso North Star.     
         Pe timbrul cu valoarea nominală de 5,00 lei este ilustrat Shagya Arab.       

Immaculate Intervention: The Wars of Humanitarianism | STRATFOR. Also, a metaphorical, symbolic image about several "ACTORS" trying to grab (and actually grabbing) a "TROPHY". The Trophy could be Libya, this time...Maxicard from USA. Also, Ariel The Mermaid / Disney maximum card.

Please read this interesting article: Immaculate Intervention: The Wars of Humanitarianism | STRATFOR

Also, I show you below these maxicards from my collection.

A metaphorical, symbolic image about several "ACTORS" trying to grab (and actually grabbing) a "TROPHY". The Trophy could be Libya, this time...
Could Libya become...MARXist? :)
We only think that we know who these "ACTORS" are...
They look so different.
They ACT so differently: one is popping out his eye-bulbs, boldly expressing his interest.
Another one is disguising his hi-res scanning activity by "dimming" his eye-lids.
And yet another one is not even looking at the reality - he's already in a state of altered reality. He looks high, (or high up) but his mind is already in a different realm. But he still has a hands-on approach, to begin with.
What if these "ACTORS" are a certain..."BROTHERHOOD"?
Are they looking for FUN?
Or looking for FUND? [ask a Romanian to translate this word joke for you; or you can try]
"Oh, men...just want to have FUND" to paraphrase Cindy L.
If you financially support some combatants, you can hope that your help goes to fund-a-mentalist faction...the dissidents, the intelligentsia, the free-thinkers...
But what if you end up financially supporting a fundamentalist faction?

Here's a HUMANITARIAN / GOOD SAMARITAN intervention from a red-head mermaid, Ariel.

In this case, grabbing is justified and unavoidable.
She HAS to get him, in order to eventually get him.
For her.

Please visit and join Ruby Tuesday meme!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Most politicians would pass a BILL in favor of the SILVER SPOON-FED children of the rich. Not in favor of The Eurasian Spoonbill or Common Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia). WWF maximaphily "cartons" (since the postcards used for these MCs were NOT previously available commercially, as FIP CfM wants in its rules). But I still like such maximum cards! :)

"The Eurasian Spoonbill or Common Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) is a wading bird of the ibis and spoonbill family Threskiornithidae, breeding in southern Eurasia from Spain to Japan, and also in North Africa. 
Most birds migrate to the tropics in winter, with European breeders mainly going to Africa, but a few remaining in mild winter areas of western Europe north to the United Kingdom."

Happy Blue Monday! (meme)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

!!! 17 Nov 1882: postal card sent by Herr Scholem, from the city of Roman (Romania) to Herrn Josef Landau [?] in Stettin, Prussia/German Empire [present-day Szczecin, Poland]!!!

Ladies and gentlemen from around the world, this is the oldest postal/philatelic item that I own, so far!!!
Isn't that cool? :

I hereby make an appeal to everybody who has an advance knowledge of philately (especially postal history), and German language to help me uncover the story of this very old postal card.
Thank you!

What can I decipher?
17 Nov 1882: postal card sent by Herr Scholem, from the city of Roman (Romania) to Herrn Josef Landau [?] in Stettin, Prussia/German Empire [present-day Szczecin, Poland]!!!

The monetary sums appear to be denominated in K; I think that's Kreuzer:

More deciphering brainstorming about this - is happening here:

"Roman (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈroman]HungarianRománvásárGerman:Romesmark) is a mid-sized city, having the title of municipality, located in the central part of Moldavia, a traditional region of Romania. It is located 46 km east of Piatra Neamţ, in the Neamţ County at the confluence of Siret and Moldova rivers.
It is thought that the name was taken from Moldavian Voivode Roman I of Moldavia, believed to be its founder.[weasel words] Roman's first son was Alexandru cel Bun."

"Stettin developed into a major Prussian port and became part of the Prussian-led German Empire in 1871. 
While most of the province retained an agrarian character, Stettin was industrialized and its population rose from 27,000 in 1813 to 210,000 in 1900 and 255,500 in 1925.[51] 
Major industries prospering in Stettin since 1840 were shipbuilding, chemical and food industries and machinery construction.[47]
Starting in 1843, Stettin became connected to the major German and Pomeranian cities by railways, and the water connection to the Bay of Pomerania was enhanced by the construction of the Kaiserfahrt (now Piast) canal.[47]"

Now, don't ask me about the text, coz Ich weiss nicht Deutsch so gut; nur ein wennig...:)

The coat of arms on this historic postcard belongs, of course, to the Kingdom of Romania. It has the royal motto:
"Nihil Sine DeoLatin for "Nothing without God", is used as a motto by the German Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen royal family.

This formula was the motto of the Kingdom of Romania, while ruled by the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen dynasty (1878 - 1947). The motto is proudly displayed in the arms room of Peleş Castle."

"Timeline (1859 - 1939)
1859Alexander John Cuza unites Moldavia and Wallachia under his personal rule.
1862Formal union of Moldavia and Wallachia to form principality of Romania.
1866Cuza forced to abdicate and a foreign dynasty is established. Carol I signed the first modern Constitution.
1877April 16. Treaty by which the Russian troops are allowed to pass through Romanian territory
April 24. Russia declares war to the Ottoman Empire and its troops enter Romania
May 9. Romanian independence declared by the Romanian parliament, start of Romanian War of Independence
May 10. Carol I ratifies independence declaration
1878Under Treaty of Berlin, Ottoman Empire recognizes Romanian independence. Romania ceded southern Bessarabia to Russia.
1881Carol I was proclaimed King of Romania on March 26. [MY NOTE: The postcard is dated in 1882, remember?]
1894Leaders of the Transylvanian Romanians who sent a Memorandum to the Austrian Emperor demanding national rights for the Romanians are found guilty of treason.
1907Violent peasant revolts crushed throughout Romania, thousands of persons killed.
1914Death of Carol I, succeeded by his nephew Ferdinand.
1916(August) Romania enters World War I on the Entente side.
(December) Romanian Treasure sent to Russia for safekeeping, but was seized by Soviets after the Romanian army refused to withdraw from Bessarabia.
[MY NOTE: cheese of the B type...]
1918Greater Romania is created.
By the Treaty of Versailles, Romania agreed to grant citizenship to the former citizens of Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires living in the new Romanian territories.
1919A military conflict occurs between Romania and Hungarian Soviet led by Béla Kun. The Romanian Army takes over Budapest on 4 August 1919. The city is ruled by a military administration until 16 November 1919.
1920The Treaty of Trianon upholds Romanian unification."

You thought "it's a long way to Tipperary"? [that's a cultural reference, don't worry about it]
It was a long, long way for the Romanian lands/principalities to achieve unification and independence from all those ancient and feudal enemies and invaders.

Them B cheese...
(Hint: read aloud, until you get it...)

Happy Sunday Stamps meme!

"Bite me!" says GUAVA (genus Psidium). Keep staring at this, and you'll get a Pavlovian reflex. Maximum card from USA. Thank you, Terry, my friend! :)

"Guava fruit

Guava fruit, usually 4 to 12 cm long, are round or oval depending on the species. 
The outer skin may be rough, often with a bitter taste, or soft and sweet. 
Varying between species, the skin can be any thickness, is usually green before maturity, but becomes yellow, maroon, or green when ripe.
Guava fruit generally have a pronounced and typical fragrance, similar to lemon rind but less sharp. 
Guava pulp may be sweet or sour, off-white ("white" guavas) to deep pink ("red" guavas), with the seeds in the central pulp of variable number and hardness, again depending on species."
Happy Pink Saturday! (still open on Sunday!)

Please visit "Pretty in pink"/ "Show us your pink" [objects, that is :)] meme here:

Friday, April 1, 2011

What's the difference between turtle, tortoise and terrapin? WWF maximum cards/ maxicards/ dorincards about Venezuela: The Red-footed tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria), and The Arrau turtle, also known as the Arrau River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa)

UL [upper-left] and LL: "The Red-footed tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria) is a tortoise native to South America. 
It has also been introduced to many islands in the Caribbean. 
It draws its name from the red or orange scales visible on its limbs, as well as its head and tail. 
It is popular as a pet, though it is protected under Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which means that this species may not be exported from its home country without a permit.[1] 
The Red-foot has a larger cousin, the Yellow-footed Tortoise (Geochelone denticulata), also known as the Brazilian Giant Tortoise. 
Note: Many newer references will use the Genus name Chelonoidis in place of the older term Geochelone for all four South American tortoises. [2]
It is locally known as the Savanna Tortoise, in Brazil as Jabuti, and in Venezuela as Morrocoy[2], among other names.[2]"

  UR and LR: "The Arrau turtle, also known as the Arrau River Turtle, is Podocnemis expansa, the largest of the side-neck turtles (Pleurodira). 
It is found in the Amazon rainforest."

What's the difference between turtle, tortoise and terrapin?

"Turtle, tortoise, or terrapin

Although the word turtle is widely used to describe all members of the order Testudines, it is also common to see certain members described as terrapins, tortoises or sea turtles, as well. Precisely how these alternative names are used, if at all, depends on the type of English being used.
  • British English normally describes these reptiles as turtles if they live in the sea; terrapins if they live in fresh or brackish water; or tortoises if they live on land. However, there are exceptions to this where American or Australian common names are in wide use, as with the Fly River turtle.
  • American English tends to use the word turtle as a general term for all species. "Tortoise" is used for most land-dwelling species, including the family Testudinidae and box tortoises. Oceanic species are usually referred to as sea turtles. The name "terrapin" is typically reserved only for the brackish water diamondback terrapinMalaclemys terrapin; the word terrapin being derived from theAlgonquian word for this animal.[17]
  • Australian English uses turtle for both the marine and freshwater species, but tortoise for the terrestrial species.
To avoid confusion, the word "chelonian" [pronounced KELONIAN] is popular among veterinarians, scientists, and conservationists working with these animals as a catch-all name for any member of the superorder Chelonia, which includes all turtles, tortoises and terrapins living and extinct, as well as their immediate ancestors. It is based on the Ancient Greek word χελώνη, chelōnēModern Greek χελώνα, chelōna; meaning turtle/tortoise."

"Venezuela (pronounced /ˌvɛnɨˈzweɪlə/ ( listen)Spanish: [beneˈswela]), officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (SpanishRepública Bolivariana de Venezuela), is a tropical country on the northern coast of South America."
Legitimate question for "whoever invented the Spanish language" [ :D :D] :
since you already have the letter B to describe the sound B, then...
...would you also need the letter V, for the sound B?
Also, since you have S, why would you use Z instead?
If you want everybody [who has a modicum of foreign language skills, I might specify] to pronounce 
then write: Benesuela, not Venezuela.
How hard is that?
Don't worry, no language is perfect, not even Esperanto, Interlingua or Lingua Franca.
However, a phonetic language, "what you see is what you pronounce" would make more sense, now wouldn't it?

" [Christopher Columbus's] certainty of having attained Paradise made him name this region Land of Grace, a phrase which has become the country's nickname.
Nevertheless, the following year of 1499, an expedition led by Alonso de Ojeda visited the Venezuelan coast. The stilt houses in the area ofLake Maracaibo reminded the navigator Amerigo Vespucci of the city of Venice, (ItalianVenezia), so he named the region "Venezuela,"[10]meaning "little Venice" in Italian. The word has the same meaning in Spanish, where the suffix -uela is used as a diminutive term (e.g., plaza / plazuelacazo / cazuela); thus, the term's original sense would have been that of a "little Venice".[11]
Nonetheless, although the Vespucci story remains the most popular and accepted version of the origin of the country's name, a different reason for the name comes up in the account of Martín Fernández de Enciso, a member of the Vespucci and Ojeda crew. In his work Summa de Geografía, he states that they found an indigenous population who called themselves the "Veneciuela," which suggests that the name "Venezuela" may have evolved from the native word.[12]"

So, Columbus was certain that this was Paradise.
Venezuela, a land of beauty. Something that oil money can't buy.
"Venezuela is well-known for its successes in beauty pageants. 
Miss Venezuela is a big event in the country, and Venezuela has received 5 Miss World, 6 Miss Universe, 6 Miss International and 1 Miss Earth titles."
I suspect that Miss Earth was the most "down-to-earth" of them all.
When you want to see...stellar images, you can look at the...Milky Way.
How about the...Milka Way?

Happy PFF (Postcard Friendship Friday)!

Please visit: (wait until Beth posts the today's Linky tool for the meme, then make your entry, if you want to join).



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Top 30 Stamp Collecting Blogs, by

"Dorincard: Blogger Dorin C is a stamp and postcard fanatic, and luckily he's more than pleased to write prolifically and charmingly about his obsession. He has a particular bent for stamps with wild mammals on them, but his blog demonstrates an affinity for stamps of all forms and backgrounds, as long as they offer a special narrative that's worth sharing with his readers.

  • Source:

    Some feedback received about me and my blog here

    [DORIN'S NOTE: There are over 100 million websites.]

    From traffic rank site

    "There are 1,699,250 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than
    About 43% of visitors to the site come from France, where it has attained a traffic rank of 152,077.
    About 80% of visits to the site consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces).'s visitors view an average of 1.5 unique pages per day.
    Visitors to the site spend roughly two minutes on each pageview and a total of three minutes on the site during each visit."

    inkling (Enthusiast)

    The best use of this site is Other.

    • Good content

    Postcards and stamps, mainly featuring mammals and birds but Dorincard also has other creations
    and interests he likes to share.
    His enthusiasm for Maximum cards (a postcard and a similar themed stamps sent through the
    postal system) shines through.
    He shows how he gets the right card, stamp and postmark together.
    Visiting his site you will also learn things about the natural world told with a dry sense of humour,
    possibly with a play on words, and a unique style of headings.
    Topical and informative both for the enthusiast and casual visitor.
    • Was this useful?
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    • No
    • Flag
    • 1 out of 1 person found this review useful.

    1 Review
    Global 1,699,251
    Alexa Traffic Rank
    France Flag 152,077
    Traffic Rank in FR

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