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My most favorite news source is BBC, but look at the ascent of Russia TV !
South Korea is helping Japan with almost all its reserve of boric acid.
"Japan’s Defense Ministry decided to use helicopters and fire trucks to spray water and boric acid to prevent further radiation leaks and to cool down the reactors. But the operation had to be aborted due to high radiation levels over the facility.
Japan has requested boric acid from South Korea. Seoul on Wednesday said it would provide 53 tons of the acid, which amounts to almost all the country has, except for a quantity for domestic use."
Speaking about the Chernobyl Disaster, what happened to the wildlife in that area?
"In reality, radioactivity at the level associated with the Chornobyl meltdown does have discernible, negative impacts on plant and animal life [4,5]. However, the benefit of excluding humans from this highly contaminated ecosystem appears to outweigh significantly any negative cost associated with Chornobyl radiation [8]. Therein lies the often paradoxical relationship between ecological and human health risk considerations. "
"The observation that typical human activity (industrialization, farming, cattle raising, collection of firewood, hunting, etc.) is more devastating to biodiversity and abundance of local flora and fauna than is the worst nuclear power plant disaster validates the negative impact the exponential growth of human populations has on wildlife.
If the world cannot afford to experience more nuclear disasters comparable to Chornobyl, then how much more significant is the implication that the world cannot afford to experience additional human population growth? "
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My entry for today is a little anatomical heart blue shape (kind of...yes, it's a stretch, but hey!) in front of the nose of this lovely Hokkaido (Japan) fox kitten (kitakitsune).