USA declares swine flu 'emergency'.
Just don't blame the babirusa, an innocent wild animal. :)
The two tusks that went thru the roof of the snout are crossed, in the case of the male in this photo. Read the text in the link above. :)
The two tusks that went thru the roof of the snout are crossed, in the case of the male in this photo. Read the text in the link above. :)
This is a freestyle maximum card (non-FIP), that I made from a cut-out from a book, with a matching Indonesian stamp that has been appropriately courtesy-handcanceled in Indonesia (I have other items from the same shipment where the handcancel / postmark is more visible - that's why sometimes I use transparent or white labels under the postmarks).
If I want to fully postcardize this item, I could apply white adhesive shipping label on the back - I could have even asked to be sent directly thru the mail, as a big postcard, with additional stamps on the address side, all wear, tear and loss risks assumed.
But I didn't do it here, because the back has a rare photo/article about aye-aye. I could eventually make an aye-aye MC -> double-sided maximum card, giving me 2 scanning opportunities.