This is a wonderful stamp series of artful (not artsy-fartsy) drawings of horses. I got the 5 lower denominations while I was living in Romania. Then, in 1973 I traveled thru Hungary to GDR, so I bought from Magyarorszag the full series of 6 and the gorgeous souvenir sheet :). I still love this series...
So what if it's a CTO (canceled-to-order)? To me it means that I have to pay only 25% of the mint price, in general. The appetite for general culture was ignited and maintained thru affordable philatelic stamps, at least in my case. :)
In this website http://www.thenational.ae/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090929/ART/709289966/1239/LIFE
I have posted this:
"I have enjoyed philately, in general, and the stamps from the Emirates, in particular, for a long time.
Many condemned the excessive number of stamp issues in the 70s. But I thought: why don't you, the other countries, issue stamps as beautiful and interesting as those from the Emirates? As for quantity, I buy only what I want and can afford. "According to my calculations, the problem doesn't exist". Stamp collectors are not (or shouldn't be) addicted to buying EVERY stamp issue. Choose, and focus on what YOU want.
The future of philately is in collecting creatively, not just passively. Explore my websites to see how we create our own stamps, in some countries. Consider, also, maximaphily. I love it! The most creative branch of philately.
There's good and bad everywhere, so best wishes to all the good people from the Arab countries! :)
Dorin Cojocariu, Herndon"