Friday, March 4, 2011

Not really flying: The Siberian Flying Squirrel (Pteromys volans) - WWF maximum cards/ maxicards/ dorincards FROM Estonia (Eesti) ("FROM", not "ABOUT" Estonia, because they are really postmarked locally). Happy Postcard Friendship Friday! meme.

Mother Nature, or The Supreme Genetic Engineer gave this species the skinny - the furry glide membrane or patagium, a flap of skin that stretches between the front and rear legs.

"By spreading this membrane the flying squirrel may glide from tree to tree across distances of over a hundred meters, and have been known to record a glide ratio of 3.31, but is normally 1-1.5.[2]"

It would have been better if the postcards didn't have the basically identical, enlarged image of each matching stamp. Viva variety, you National Postal Administrations! :)
Happy PFF (Postcard Friendship Friday)!
Please visit: (wait until Beth posts the today's Linky tool for the meme, then make your entry, if you want to join).


Ingrid said...

That's a rather strange animal, never heard of a flying squirrel, lol !

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I always thought flying squirrels were tropical so I've just looked them up. It's amazing, to me, how many different species there are.

Joy said...

To see them fly from tree to tree is an amazing sight. (Unfortunately I've only seen this on film). You'll have to explain to the postal admin about how to produce a Maximum card:-)

Snap said...

Flying squirrels ... sometimes i think the squirrels in my neighborhood have a little of the flying ability... fascinating critters... happy pff (I'm with Joy ...)

viridian said...

Interesting creatures. I don't like city squirrels - just rats with fluffy tails.

Funoldhag said...

We don't have any flying squirrels here but we have squirrels of all colors - brown, gray and black. Had never seen a black one until we moved to Michigan. Such determined little creatures!



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Top 30 Stamp Collecting Blogs, by

"Dorincard: Blogger Dorin C is a stamp and postcard fanatic, and luckily he's more than pleased to write prolifically and charmingly about his obsession. He has a particular bent for stamps with wild mammals on them, but his blog demonstrates an affinity for stamps of all forms and backgrounds, as long as they offer a special narrative that's worth sharing with his readers.

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    "There are 1,699,250 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than
    About 43% of visitors to the site come from France, where it has attained a traffic rank of 152,077.
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    Visitors to the site spend roughly two minutes on each pageview and a total of three minutes on the site during each visit."

    inkling (Enthusiast)

    The best use of this site is Other.

    • Good content

    Postcards and stamps, mainly featuring mammals and birds but Dorincard also has other creations
    and interests he likes to share.
    His enthusiasm for Maximum cards (a postcard and a similar themed stamps sent through the
    postal system) shines through.
    He shows how he gets the right card, stamp and postmark together.
    Visiting his site you will also learn things about the natural world told with a dry sense of humour,
    possibly with a play on words, and a unique style of headings.
    Topical and informative both for the enthusiast and casual visitor.
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