In Virginia, I saw a car license plate with a pentagon-shaped logo, with the Twin Towers inside the contour. The license plate ID, next to that logo, is: ULLPAY.
What would...Vlad Dracula (for example) have done about the 9/11 attack, if he were Dictator of the USA? ...:)
To the yes-men from the Democratic Party, and to the no-men from the Republican Party ("The Audacity of Nope") Vlad could have said [in Fantasy Land]:
"Now, right after 9/11, are you, ladies and gentlemen, contemplating the idea of playing your usual political games? Would you like to shove political correctness down my throat, as I am preparing this wounded country for a proper response, in self-defense?
This attack happened on my watch.
So I, Vlad Dracula, Dictator of USA, will NOT tell "those folks" who planned and executed this suicidal attack:
Instead, I will tell "those folks" that THEY HAVE ALREADY MADE A MISTAKE!
Of the lethal kind. Starting with our almost 3,000 dead, and many more wounded.
Long story short, our enemies will face, eventually, the question "WHAT'S AT STAKE, when you attack Vlad's country?"
Let me tell you: THE STAKES ARE HIGH.
And the stakes, as an element of justice, are a very visual form of communication.
Eventually, our American armed forces will bring most of "those folks" to justice.
What justice? Poetic justice?
Swift justice!
Fifteen years on death row, on taxpayers money?
I declare Martial Law,
I suspend the Constitution,
and I send you, politicians of all colors (including political chameleons) home.
Go filibuster yourselves in your little precincts.
Take a hike.
The Appalachian Trail is so scenic and winding - it could take you all the way down to your "dear, dear friend in Argentina", or something.
Transgressions galore.
[REPORTER]: - Mr.Vlad, what do you think about building a mosque at Ground Zero?
[VLAD] (perplexed):
For the next couple of years I will be busy, like Cincinnatus, to run this country my way, at all costs.
I know that, later on, I will be assassinated, but I'll still do it until then.
My legacy to my fellow Americans is more important than a life of luxury and of abuse of power.
[Also spracht Vlad Dracula, in Fantasy Land].
The World Trade Center...The Pentagon...9/11/2001...actions have consequences...endlessly.
I created this as a postcard because zazzle rejected this image as a stamp: "it is too violent for a stamp, per our policies from USPS."

Happy PFF (Postcard Friendship Friday)!
Please visit:
I find your first image very moving. Violent? No. Sad? Yes.
Indeed, a sad picture.
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