I created this non-FIP maximum card with a real photo postcard.
I shot it (the photo, not the deer :)... ) in the Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA.
At arm's length, from my car, as this doe came to see if I have any food for her.
"The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), also known as the Virginia deer or simply as the whitetail, is a medium-sized deer native to the United States (all but five of the states),Canada, Mexico, Central America, and in South America as far south as Peru. It has also been introduced to New Zealand and some countries in Europe, such as Finland and the Czech Republic."
I'll add later other maximum card images.
In Romania there is no wild population of white-tailed deer, but there was a stamp series honoring/celebrating/"exploiting" the fauna of the arctic region. Just as so many countries issue stamp with giant panda, when there is NO connection with the local fauna. :)

"In Valerius Geist's book Mule Deer Country he explains that by testing the mitochondrial DNA of the three species (blacktail, whitetail and mule deer), researchers have now determined that it was the mating of whitetail does [DOEs] and blacktail bucks that gave rise to the mule deer, and not the opposite as was once suspected, therefore not falling under a subspecies of O. hemionus and rather as its own species O. columbianus.[2]"

Happy Postcard Friendship Friday!
Please visit http://thebestheartsarecrunchy.blogspot.com/

Such beautiful animals! I love the glowing eyes in the first one!
Enjoyed your week of deer. Amazed at the one in Shenandoah approaching for food, did she get 'paid' for her photo:-).
A distant relative of the jackalope, perhaps?
It looks like deer are a popular stamp topic.
Beautiful animals and beautiful pictures. Happy PFF. Carol
I can't deny they are beautiful animals and the postcards are equally so. But we used to live in an area with plenty of deer and I stopped admiring them from the kitchen window when I realised they were devouring my roses.
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