This is the chosen fragment, in English:
Maximaphily is a branch of philately, or stamp collecting, that means collecting maximum cards.
I do NOT make a strict distinction between Philately and Stamp Collecting, despite "academic belief" that there is. I'll detail that in another post.
Generally, a maximum card is a postcard, with a stamp and a postmark on the picture side. Ideally, all these 3 elements should be concordant, but not identical.
Anybody can collect them, just like collecting simple stamps. But that's too passive.
The fun and challenge are in CREATING YOUR OWN maximum cards! Then you can exchange some with partners/friends from around the world!
I do that, and it's very interesting! :)
The traditional way is to comply with the rules of FIP (International Philatelic Federation).
The non-traditional way, as I call it, is to follow nobody's rules! Unless YOU want it, of course.
I call DORINCARD any postcard that was personalized by adding a stamp and a postmark, on the picture side of the postcard. Traditional way, or not. :)
I do NOT make a strict distinction between Philately and Stamp Collecting, despite "academic belief" that there is. I'll detail that in another post.
Generally, a maximum card is a postcard, with a stamp and a postmark on the picture side. Ideally, all these 3 elements should be concordant, but not identical.
Anybody can collect them, just like collecting simple stamps. But that's too passive.
The fun and challenge are in CREATING YOUR OWN maximum cards! Then you can exchange some with partners/friends from around the world!
I do that, and it's very interesting! :)
The traditional way is to comply with the rules of FIP (International Philatelic Federation).
The non-traditional way, as I call it, is to follow nobody's rules! Unless YOU want it, of course.
I call DORINCARD any postcard that was personalized by adding a stamp and a postmark, on the picture side of the postcard. Traditional way, or not. :)
With, and edited by me:
English to French translation
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English to French translation

Maximaphilie est une branche de la philatélie, ou la collectionnement des timbres, cela signifie collectionner des cartes maximum.
Je ne fais pas une distinction stricte entre la philatélie et à la collectionnement des timbres, en dépit de la «croyance académique» qu'il existe. Je vais detailler dans un autre article.
En règle générale, une carte maximum est une carte postale, avec un timbre et un oblitération de la poste sur le côté image. Idéalement, tous ces 3 éléments doivent être concordantes, mais non identiques.
Chacun peut les collectionner, tout comme collectionner des timbres simple.
Mais c'est trop passive.
Le plaisir et le défi sont la création de votre carte maximum propre! Ensuite, vous pouvez échanger avec quelques partenaires et amis du monde entier! Je fais cela, et c'est très intéressant! :) La voie traditionnelle est de se conformer aux règles de la FIP (Fédération internationale de philatélie).
La manière non traditionnelle, comme je l'appelle, est de suivre les règles de personne! Sauf si vous le voulez, bien sûr.
Je nomme DORINCARD chacune carte postale qui a été personnalisé par l'ajout d'un timbre et d'un oblitération, sur le côté de photo de la carte postale.
Manière traditionnelle, ou non. :)

here is an exact version in French of your post :
La Maximaphilie est une branche de la philatélie, ou de la collection de timbres, qui consiste à collectionner les cartes maximum.
Je ne fais pas de distinction stricte entre la philatélie et la collection de timbres, en dépit de la «croyance académique» qui existe. Je détaillerai cela dans un autre article.
En règle générale, une carte maximum est une carte postale, avec un timbre et une oblitération apposés sur le côté illustré de la carte. Idéalement, ces 3 éléments doivent être concordants, mais non identiques.
Tout le monde peut les collectionner, de la même façon qu'on collectionne des timbres. Mais cela manque de créativité.
Le plaisir et le défi consistent à créer vos propres cartes maximum ! Vous pouvez ensuite les échanger avec quelques partenaires et amis du monde entier ! C'est ce que je fais et c'est très intéressant ! :) La voie traditionnelle est de se conformer aux règles de la FIP (Fédération internationale de philatélie). http://www.
L'autre façon de procéder, est de ne suivre aucune règle ! Sauf si vous le souhaitez, bien sûr.
J'appelle "DORINCARD" toute carte postale qui a été personnalisée par l'ajout d'un timbre et d'une oblitération, sur la face illustrée de la carte postale.
En faisant appel aux règles traditionnelles, ou non. :) "

Joint-issue stamps France-Romania about "Constantin Brâncuşi (Romanian pronunciation: [konstanˈtin brɨnˈkuʃʲ]; February 19, 1876 – March 16, 1957) was an internationally renowned Romanian sculptor whose works, which blend simplicity and sophistication, led the way for numerous modernist sculptors."

These are from Monaco, not France, but they still are in the francophone and francophil world, n'est-ce pas? :)

Merci, Bartholdy et France! "Je me souviens..."

"France is a member state of the European Union, the largest one by area. It is also the third largest in Europe behind Russia and Ukraine. It would be second if its extra-European territories like French Guiana were included. France has been a major power for several centuries with strong economic, cultural, military and political influence. During the 17th and 18th centuries, France colonised great parts of North America; during the 19th and early 20th centuries, France built the second largest empire of the time, including large portions of North, West and Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and many Pacific islands."
Philately (stamp collecting) in general, and maximaphily in particular, as a confluence of domains: learning, writing, web design, business administration, etc.*/*
Happy PFF!
Please visit

I think the ones from Monaco may be my favorites.
Thanks for explaining that...I've been curious about it. Happy PFF!
A great themed collection of maximum cards. Even though it has not got one of your specialist franks I do like the Mont St Michael and its message to the postman.
Your explanation is interesting. I had never heard of Maximumcards before. The relationship between the picture of the card and the stamp can be funny or beautiful or both.
Very interesting. Until I join Postcrossing, and getting active with stamp and postcard collecting - things make me overwhelm as I realize there is so much to learn.
Our post office have lots of postal collector's items on offer. It's really fun inasmuch as it is expensive too but the investment is just worth it.
I am going to visit the website you recommend and see if I can create my own maximphily.
Would you like to receive a postcard from me?
Wow, I am impressed by your knowledge and your collection. I have appreciated your comments as well - as a relative newbie to the postcard world!
Happy PFF!
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