I should create a maximum card with this superb image!
In UK there are about 60 species of wild mammals, of which 30 are introduced, non-native to UK.
In Romania, there are about 102 species of wild mammals .
The World Record Trophy for lynx fur belongs to a specimen shot in Romania.
"The smallest species are the Bobcat [Lynx rufus] and the Canada Lynx [Lynx canadensis], with average weights 10 to 13 kilograms (22 to 29 lb), while the largest is the Eurasian Lynx [Lynx lynx], with average weight 18 to 25 kilograms (40 to 55 lb), up to a reported maximum of 40 kilograms (88 lb), but there is considerable variation within species."
Above, you noticed the map of the Retezat National Park (Romania), on the souvenir sheet selvage affixed on the back of a maximum card. On the front of that postcard is the stamp from the souvenir sheet.
"Retezat National Park is a natural reserve area located in the Retezat Mountains in Hunedoara county, Romania.
Containing more than 60 peaks over 2,300 metres (7,500 ft) and over 100 crystal clear deep glacier lakes, the Retezat Mountains are some of the most beautiful in the Carpathians. In 1935 the Government of Romania set aside an area of the Retezat Mountains creating the country's first national park.
Currently the park has 381 km2 (147 sq mi). The area shelters one of Europe's last remaining intact old-growth forest and the continent's largest single area of pristine mixed forest. The highest peak of the Retezat Mountains, Peleaga, 2,509 metres (8,232 ft) is located in the park. The park also includes about 80 glacier lakes.
The flora consists of approximately 1190 plant species, of which 130 have the "endangered" or "vulnerable" status. Wolves, brown bear, wild boar, Eurasian Lynx, European Wildcat,chamois, Roe Deer and red deer, as well as small carnivore species such as Eurasian Badger and Eurasian otter populate the park.
The Gemenele scientific reserve is a strictly protected area of the park enclosing an intact primeval forest.
In 1979 the Man and Biosphere Program of UNESCO included the park in the international network of biosphere reserve."
This park shelters 90 species of endemic plants, that grow nowhere else on Earth.
Click to see photos from Retezat, and wait a few seconds - it's a slideshow:
You should create a maximum card with that amazing image. I hope you do. I am in awe at the beauty of these animals.
This kind of postcards must be not easy to collect.
Beautiful cards and photos. The lyncx is a fascinating animal. Thanks for sharing. Happy PFF.
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