Thank you, again, Tanti Leontina, Nelu (may your souls rest in peace), Sibila and Wadim!
These are 2 [Catholic] Easter postcards made in [West] Germany, and sent in 2 different years by Tanti Leontina from Bucharest, Romania to my parents in Brasov, Romania. :)
These are Orthodox Easter philatelic items from Romania: a maximum card and a FDC (First Day Cover).
An Easter stamp of identical design was used in both cases.
Look at the maximum card painting, "an anonymous painting from the 16th century, Austrian school".
Notice how the other two men are crucified on trees, not crosses.
The one on the left seems to be sporting a speedo [underwear].
Crucifixions could take many hours till death ends the pain.
The sooner the convict dies, the better for him.
Godspeed[o], to stop suffering towards an inescapable death.
Unless you're Jesus, a Trinity element. Did I say Triad member? No, that sounds like South-East Asia...
I always wondered: what's the big deal of dying, crucified or not, if your DEAD status is only scheduled to last for about 3 days?
How could, and why would the sins of "everybody and their brother" be absolved by a Savior, who's gonna "die" for, like 3 days, then his status update will be ALIVE AGAIN, even if in a different place?
Since Jesus did it, or God did it for him, what did mankind do?
Did we change our ways?
Did we learn any lesson?
Did we stop sinning?
I believe in the existence of Superior Intelligence of the extraterrestrial kind.
"God" could be The Genetic Engineer in charge of our planet/galaxy/Universe/whatever.
He (but why He, and not She, or something else?) could be part of an extraterrestrial (yes, alien) civilization, and we could just be his particular "ant farm".
Other "Gods" could be in charge of their own worlds, somewhere.
But I am not convinced of the total righteousness of ANY priest, church or religion in the world.
I may be wrong, but I want proof.
THEN I'll believe it!
If it's just refutable or futable,'s not enough.
"Secular customs, such as the Easter Bunny and Easter egg hunts, have become part of the holiday's modern celebrations and are often observed by Christians and non-Christians alike. There are also some Christian denominations who do not celebrate Easter. (See section below.)"
Happy Sunday Stamps meme!