America's first virtual world employee farm opens in South Carolina. Minimum-wage workers serve as bodyguards, gold harvesters in online games.".
Well, I think we could all come up with some ideas - better or worse...
Here's a maximum card that I created in 2006, while attending the Washington, D.C. World Philatelic Exhibition [Exposition].
It is a non-traditional MC, since the traditional FIP maximaphily rules say that an MC cannot have an abstract concordance of subject/theme/topic between stamp, postcard and postmark.
But I think that that rule is terribly wrong. [OMG!]
Yes, I said it. :)
Topical stamp collecting, or topical philately, means collecting by the theme.
In this case, I'd say the theme is "the stimulation of the mind - thoughts, emotions, reactions, actions..."
And yes, that's an abstract thing.
So what?
I still like my maximum card, no matter what. :)
Also, it's an UNICATE/UNIKAT/UNICAT maximum card. Only 1 copy/specimen in the whole world (I guess), since I created only 1.
Have you ever seen another one, identical (down to the pictorial postmark)? Show and tell. :)
The stamp shows a guy enjoying a Virtual Reality helmet - a world between your ears, so to speak.
I used an AD CARD, a category that so many deltiologists [postcard collectors] hate, out of principle!
But I judge a postcard by its individual merits, not by the category it belongs to.
In 2006, I made [between my my mind :)] my own prediction about Tower Records, who paid for this AD CARD.
"You will soon go out of business...Why should we pay for a whole music CD, when all we want is 1 (one) specific song?"
Great card - and I like your prediction for Tower Records. I would be interested to hear your predictions for cable TV.
A real interesting post. And looks like your prediction came true.
What an interesting blog! I enjoyed reading every word. I also LOVED the postcard.
Happy PFF!
Thanks, everybody! Christine, if 2012 will have major solar activity,then satellites could be disrupted. I "predict" that cable industry will see its glory time in 2012-2013, then it will fade away, rather quickly. The Quickening.
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