
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

BBC News - Somalia: Western hostages freed in US military raid. Also, I show you a folded MAXICARD / MAXIMUM CARD / DORINCARD with a BISON cow and calf, who sometimes do playful buttheading. But criminals and other evildoers should NOT butthead with the LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES or the MILITARY FORCES. "Black Hawk down" was an exception; in general, criminals should NOT provoke a military power like USA

BBC News - Somalia: Western hostages freed in US military raid:

'via Blog this'

Against criminals of all sorts, we should do whatever it takes to give them what they deserve, including capital punishment. From case to case, all things considered.

"No IFs, ANDs, or BUTS"..."No IFs, ANDs, or (HEAD) BUTTS".

B, as in Bison, Buttheading...
Please visit the ABC Wednesday meme:


  1. Good insight into what is happening out there - bringing us all together for ABC Wednesday.

    Denise ABC Team

  2. Head butting gives me a headache.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team


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