
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

At ABC Wednesday Meme, today is letter L, as in LEPORIDS (RABBITS and HARES). My non-traditional MAXIMUM CARD with YOTH (Year of the Hare), from USA, made with a folded card which I can "postcardize" anytime, should I want. Should I?

Eastern CottontailSylvilagus floridanus

Notice the different postmark than the one above, for the  same folded card with Eastern Cottontail, (Sylvilagus floridanus) 
"Leporids are the approximately 50 species of rabbits and hares which form the family Leporidae. The leporids, together with the pikas, constitute the mammalian orderLagomorpha. Leporids differ from pikas in having short furry tails, and elongated ears and hind legs. The name leporid is simply an abbreviation of the family name Leporidae meaning animals resembling "lepus", Latin for hare.
Members of all genera except Lepus are usually referred to as rabbits, while members of Lepus (which accounts for almost half the species) are usually called hares. However the distinction between these two common names does not map completely into current taxonomy, since jackrabbits are members of Lepus, and members of the genera Pronolagus and Caprolagus are sometimes called hares.
Leporids are native across the world except Antarctica, and in Oceania where their introduction is a significant threat for the native mammals in Australia. ."

See my previous blogpost about the differences between RABBITS and HARES:

Today is letter L here:
Please visit and join the ABC Wednesday meme!

1 comment:

  1. When I was a kid, I learned that a Belgian hare was a rabbit. This profoundly confounded me.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team


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